Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Makers in Business Episode 2 - eyeformation studio

The latest episode of my local access TV interview show is up! This month I interviewed Frank Casazza of eyeformation studio. Click here for an online video player:
Makers in Business Episode 2 eyeformation studio

Frank is an amazing artist and I think you will love getting to hear more about how he runs his one man business. Check out his website here: 

For the audio-only version, click here:
Makers in Business Ep 002 Audio Only

Images by eyformation studio:

The show airs locally on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit

Links discussed in the show:

Friday, May 4, 2012

A super quick video tour of Western Avenue Studios

Howl in Lowell is a new online magazine covering arts and goings on about Lowell. they came by Open Studios last month and shot this video. It's super fun, gives a flavor of WAS, and hey there I am, the first one to say what I make!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Makers in Business Episode 1 Ann Lee Podcast

Here is a link to the audio only podcast on iTunes so you can listen on a gadget or however you like! Makers in Business Episode 1 Ann Lee Podcast on iTunes

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Audio-only: now available for my first episode! Click the player below.