Monday, March 3, 2008


I know February is a short month even during a leap year, but it really flew by didn't it? It seems the older I get the faster the days go anyway. The perpetually youthful D had a birthday on the 28th (he was born in a leap year and was almost a leap baby :) One of the gifts I gave him was to (finally) frame a postcard he bought at SoWa Open Market last summer. This fabulous photography is by Such and Such Productions:

I did spend a lot of last month gathering data to file our taxes. This is my first year filing business taxes and although it is just a matter of aggregating data, it's FINDING all my supplies receipts that is giving me fits. Hopefully this painful lesson takes and I will institute a working system for next year :) Even that much maligned cliche of receipts-in-a-shoebox method would be better than my current 14-Paper-Source-shopping-bags-stuffed-with-random-papers-scattered-about-the-apartment system.

Something that caught me a bit off guard was the need to plan my entire year of craft shows in February. Last year I was just starting this business in July and casually applied for shows as I became aware of them, and it all worked out. But this year I need to plan more carefully; choose shows that don't conflict with other events, map out my months, arrange to share booths with people, etc. I didn't see that coming up so soon all at once and I was a bit overwhelmed. Also, all the shows I've applied to so far are juried, so there's that little fret as well: will I even get in?

I feel like a very independent person and maybe not so great at playing well with others all the time, but I find myself very comfortable with and enthusiastic about sharing craft show booths. I am trying to share most of my shows this year to have fun companionship and to save money. I am lucky to partner this summer with Candace of The Intuitive Garden for 6 SoWa Open Market shows! I wasn't going to try SoWa again after my two medium-successful free trials through Etsy last year, but she talked me into it (she's VERY persuasive!) and now I am thrilled she did. We will certainly have a lot of fun no matter what else happens.

In the past I have shared many shows with Liz of Lush Beads who is also an amazing booth partner and wonderful, generous friend.

This summer I may have the opportunity to share space with Amanda of Brick Mill Studio for the the first time, to which I am very much looking forward! She rocks :) I have the best crafty friends!


  1. I loved how you describe the difficulty of keeping track of receipts, doing taxes, planning to do shows, the business side.
    Creating beautiful art takes one kind of talent. Keeping records and saving receipts,(I love the rainbow of bags,) uses different skills. So proud that you have both! Love, Mom

  2. Sharing shows is a great way to ensure that you can take that much-needed bathroom break, and NOT worry about your goods disappearing! Plus, it is far easier to put up the tent with 2 people. I vote 'yes' on having a tentmate.

    Next time, let's not get lost in the woods, eh? :-D
