Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Makers in Business with Liz Smith Ep 206 Swirly Designs by Lianne & Paul Stoddard

Meet Paul and Lianne Stoddard, the married couple behind Swirly Designs by Lianne and Paul! I had so much fun interviewing them both about how they run their business, what they did to accommodate a creative business while raising a family, and which kinds of advertising and promotion turned out to work for them. I think there's so much to learn in this episode plus Paul and Lianne are just good company. Take a look or listen!

Link to the video on Vimeo:

Find the audio only version of this interview here:

Or subscribe on iTunes

Find Swirly Designs online here:

My show airs locally in Lowell on LTC Comcast Channel 8 on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit http://LTC.org

Paul and Lianne

Steps in the process



Valentine's Day

Swirly Designs at a craft show

Putting together a Halloween collection

Paul and Lianne at work in their home studio

From concept to creation

A holiday collection


Beautiful handmade holiday ornaments


  1. Your father and I just watched this episode, and we loved it. What a delightfully creative young couple, so hard working and charming. How great that they found a way to work together from home while their children are small.
    You asked all the right questions. Well done !

  2. Great interview, Liz! My husband and I met Lianne and Paul several years ago at a show in Boston. So happy to hear of their continued success.

