Thursday, May 2, 2013

Makers in Business Season 2 Episode 1 - Marilyn Rosenfeld Part 1

Mom and me at the TV station right after taping
I am so excited to show you this latest episode! I can't believe I convinced my MOM to come with me to the TV station and be taped in an interview! She has led such an interesting life, we had so much to talk about that it took TWO episodes to contain it :) Here you will find Part 1 of our discussion. Next month I'll post Part 2.

This episode covers her early experiences with art and art teachers, including her father who was a sign painter in rural Indiana in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. It covers her first coloring book, her years of oil painting all the way through to learning watercolor in the 1980s.

I had a tremendous amount of fun producing this interview and I hope you enjoy watching/listening to it.

Link to video:

Find the audio only version of this interview here:

Or subscribe on iTunes

Find my mom's cards in my Etsy shop here

My show airs locally in Lowell on LTC Comcast Channel 8 on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit

My grandfather, Robert Smith
An illustrated letter her father sent my mom.
Sketch for sign by my grandfather.
Sketch for sign by my grandfather.
My grandfather with a giant billboard he painted.
Gold leafing in Madison, Indiana
Photo by Richard W. Smith
Part of a ghost sign of my grandfather's work.
Photo by Richard W. Smith
Mom in front of a still existing sign my grandfather painted.
Photo by Richard W. Smith
Mom in front of a still existing sign my grandfather painted.
Photo by Richard W. Smith
Oil paintings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Oil painting by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Oil paintings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
My brother is on the left, my oldest sister on the right.
Oil painting by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
My other sister.
Oil painting by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
My sister.
My mom's nature journals.
Drawings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Drawings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld

Drawings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Drawings by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Drawing by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld
Drawing by Marilyn S. Rosenfeld


  1. I love our episode and am so glad you asked me to be on your show. I appreciate all the work you did, collecting all the drawings and paintings and posting them. This has been a thrilling experience.

  2. I really enjoyed this episode. Your mother's artwork is beautiful and I love the relationship you have with each other. Very interesting and made me really think about the relationship artist have with their artwork. I liked it that your mom didn't like to sell her original work. Thank you both.
