Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Makers in Business Episode 2 - eyeformation studio

The latest episode of my local access TV interview show is up! This month I interviewed Frank Casazza of eyeformation studio. Click here for an online video player:
Makers in Business Episode 2 eyeformation studio

Frank is an amazing artist and I think you will love getting to hear more about how he runs his one man business. Check out his website here: 

For the audio-only version, click here:
Makers in Business Ep 002 Audio Only

Images by eyformation studio:

The show airs locally on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit

Links discussed in the show:


  1. It was great to hear you and Frank talk about his work. Wonderful to see photos of his murals, no words can describe those!

    All the photos are amazing. The bus! The paper toys! The Activity book!

    Episode 2 is as delightful as Episode 1.

  2. Another great job. Kudos to you and Frank. I loved learning more about his work.

  3. Wow Liz- Another great show! So interesting!

  4. Fascinating story. I learned so many new things about Frank and his work! Great job!

  5. Another wonderful show, Liz! Keep 'em coming!

  6. CiCi Black - VirginiaJune 13, 2012 at 7:06 PM

    Oh Liz, Frank's work is amazing thank you so much for interviewing him and bringing his work into the forefront. Collector investment for the future comes to mind based on the genius and aptitude of this young artist. Between the two of you, you may just put Lowell back on the map as the country's artistic capital. I for one am going to stock up on as much Eyeformation products that I can afford.

  7. Great interview Liz. I love seeing this young artist's work around the city of Lowell.
