Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Makers in Business with Liz Smith Ep 205 Mimi Kirchner

Hello! This month I'm featuring an interview I did with Mimi Kirchner. Mimi makes amazing art dolls that are incredibly collectible. Her work is distinct, meticulous, and lovely with a sense of humor that delights. Although she has been a maker all her life, she she did not start out making dolls for a living. Watch or listen to this fascinating episode to hear all about her artistic journey.

Link to the video on Vimeo:

Find the audio only version of this interview here:

Or subscribe on iTunes

Find Mimi Kirchner online here:

My show airs locally in Lowell on LTC Comcast Channel 8 on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit http://LTC.org

Examples of Mimi's ceramics work

An early doll

Choosing buttons

Mimi's desk crowded with works in progress

Works in progress

Pinning a beard on a doll before hand sewing

One of Mimi's fabulous lumberjacks

A beautiful tattooed lady

Dapper Mr. Fox

Sweet swaddled baby

Mimi's craft show set up


  1. I love Mimi's dolls -- each one is so unique!

  2. Thanks so much Liz- I LOVED being part of your show!

  3. Your father and I just watched the Mimi show together. We both loved it. We are in awe of Mimi's amazing creations. They are beautiful, surprising and delightful.

