Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Makers in Business Ep 10 - Jen Gubicza of Zooguu

In Episode 10 of my creative business interview program I speak with Jen of Zooguu. Jen makes adorable plush toys by hand and sells them at shows, online, and in shops. Watch or listen to find out how she went from designing web pages to making toys for a living!

Episode 10 on Vimeo:

Find Zooguu online here:

Find the Audio only version of this interview here:
Audio only

Or subscribe on iTunes!

My show airs locally in Lowell on LTC Comcast Channel 8 on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. New shows monthly. For more information about Lowell Local Access TV, visit http://LTC.org

1 comment:

  1. This episode is delightful.

    I love my Zooguu Bluebird, a treasure.

