I internet-know a lot of amazing people offering their wisdom in online course form. I always thought that sounded completely cool but had no idea what it meant. When I went to school there were no computers, all my classes were in real classrooms where I was surrounded by actual human beings scribbling notes with pens on paper and missing phone messages being left on their answering machines back at the dorms.
But this being the 21st century, things have changed! I shed my fears and signed up for an online class taught by Diane Gilleland. Diane is a crafty powerhouse; not only does she teach
online classes, she produces a popular podcast called
CraftyPod, has a
lovely website, publishes
e-books and has written a beautiful book on
the art of fabric flower folding.
I follow her on
Twitter and knew her to be friendly and encouraging to crafters. So when she offered a 3 week online course on how to make a PodCast, well, I could not resist.
And I am totally thrilled with the results! Even though over 20 people signed up for the course, Diane helped me personally learn my way around the online classroom. Once I signed in I had access to class forums where discussions could be held amongst the students and teacher. The lessons were broken down into manageable sections with each week's lessons released at the beginning of the week. The lessons were multi-media, encompassing videos, audio, and writing with images and diagrams. Also there were checklists and worksheets I could download. Each lesson had a space for discussion and questions. Also Diane was available for questions privately through one-on-one email. The lessons stay up for the duration of the course and for a certain time period after so you can access them at your own pace.
Every Wednesday Diane initiated a group chat on Gmail where we got to socialize and get to know each other a little, plus ask questions and see questions asked we might not have thought of on our own.
I feel like the course was an incredible value for the kind of information imparted and how well it was presented, but especially for the personal attention the online format afforded.
Now I feel like I understand what it takes to produce a podcast AND I now know what a professional online class experience can be like, I'm sold. Thanks Diane!