Monday, October 24, 2011

New Made in Lowell Product!

I have been hankering for a long time to make a soft ornament in a heart shape. Finally I could hold back no longer and this little dude burst forth from my fingers.

I made it at my studio where I didn't have crochet supplies, so I sewed the edging with embroidery floss. When I got home I made more hearts but this time with a crocheted edge like the one I developed when I made the cashmere scarf.

This one is ready for its vintage buttons:

I'm using some of the many sweaters I've collected and felted since I got my studio back in 2007. I've been thinking all these years of lots of ways to use my felted sweaters but I haven't moved forward on any of those other ideas yet. So it feels good to be using the sweaters for these friendly hearts which I think would work as lovely gifts year 'round.

I hope to get them listed in my Etsy shop, but probably the best way to get one is to attend Open Studios at Western Avenue Studios on November 5th.