Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Makers in Business Episode 5 - Sweet Lydia's

The new episode of Makers in Business is now available! Comcast subscribers in Lowell, MA can watch on LTC Channel 8 Tuesdays at 6:30 PM and Thursdays at 8:30. For viewers outside the area I've set up a Vimeo site to host the videos so you can view them right here on the blog, just click to play below, or click the link below the player to watch it larger on the Vimeo page.

Makers In Business episode 5 Sweet Lydia's from Liz Smith on Vimeo.

Lydia and I shared a fantastic discussion about the particulars of being a maker of edibles. She really knows her numbers and is a great inspiration to anyone hoping to go as far as possible in their chosen craft.

Find Lydia online: Her site includes a schedule where you can find where she's selling at shows/markets around the area!

The iTunes podcast should update soon. A page for just the audio file online is here:

And visit my Vimeo page to view all the episodes of Makers in Business!