Monday, July 21, 2008

The Condo Dweller's Guide to Grilling

Step 1: Make friends with people who have yards.

Step 2: Grill.

We have been very fortunate this summer to yard hop from bar-b-que to shish-ke-bab while never having to mow a lawn or buy patio furniture. My husband and I live downtown in the city of Lowell, MA along a canal in a converted mill building from 1909. While we appreciate not having to shovel a driveway in the winter, get the house painted or tend to landscaping, it's true we sometimes miss the joys of owning a patch of dirt. We miss the smell of said dirt, the chance to garden, sitting on the back porch on a summer evening and the sound of crickets.

So we borrow these joys from our generous friends who invite us into their homes and then through their kitchens out the back door to their backyards where glowing coals await marinated meats and vegetables.

Thank you, friends! We love the char grilled meats, the savory salads, and mostly, the time spent relaxing with you in your outdoor environs, laughing, sharing stories and enjoying the summer while it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Liz -- What a nice tribute to summer and easy outdoor living with family and friends. We enjoyed seeing you in West Falmouth a few weeks ago, too! Love, Robin
