Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's New

I bought these things:

The garlands kit is by my Twitter contact PlanetJune, I've been so interested in making paper garlands lately and here was this kit! The bags book is just something I'm excited about trying right now. Nothing gets me more invigorated about creating than looking at pretty pictures of handmade objects and perusing tutorials.

And I'm making these:

Those will be nest pins, coffee cuffs and little felty heart pins. I'm so grateful I did well this past holiday season, but now I have no inventory! *make make make*

I became a year 'round vendor at Craftland (yay!) and I spent the first two weeks of January making this lot to send them:

Now I am working on all the little projects I put off until "after the holidays". Everyone has been so patient with me and I will get them all completed eventually!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010, I'm Ready For You!

Happy new year! What are your plans for the next twelve months? I look forward to expanding my business, Made in Lowell. I have so much on my to do list already and it's only 01/01/10! I love being this busy and I can't imagine having nothing on my plate. Though I'm sure I would fill any lull with crafty activities as my kind-hearted inlaws witnessed whilst I knitted throughout a whole day of holiday festivities :)

In a scenario the crafty among us will recognize, it was in October that I was besieged with orginal new product ideas I wanted to develop. Which, of course, is terrible timing for new product development as autumn is when we all switch into high production for holiday sales. I suspect the fact that we are unable to develop this avalanche of ideas is probably why they are so numerous. I hope you all wrote the ideas down like I did because now is the time to travel those creative roads wherever they may lead.

What's new for you?