Friday, December 7, 2007

I am making things!

This is it! The last push to the last two shows of the holiday season. I can't say I am cool and collected, that would be lying :) But I am happy and excited and everyone's support has buoyed me up and is helping me sail through. Thank you!

It's been an amazing year of learning and building this business, but I feel like I have barely started. I have a lot planned for the next year. I am working on a new logo, can't wait to see if I can pull it off :) I also have plans to finish my studio interior design and get it all sleek and pretty like I envision instead of a pile of boxes! I will design new products including blankets, pillows, bags. I will also add screen printed items; t-shirts, cards etc.

I also want to focus on paring back my supplies to the truly necessary, destashing my excess goods in my Destash Shop.

But now I must concentrate on the next two insane days, whee!

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you!
    It is amazing what you have accomplished in these few months.

    Your creativity inspires us!

    We love you.

    Mom 'n Dad
