So today was the day. D and I drove over to Western Ave at 8:30 this morning, my stomach was in knots (yesterday too). The entrance is a different door from the main mill building that has all the other studios. The entrance to Mill A is more accessible I think; there's an elevator right inside and we took it up to the third floor of the 5 story building. The building owner was there, and the woman who is the head of the Artist's Association.
It's a vast empty space right now, so with floor plans in hand, we tried to picture where the future studios would be. How far out from this post, would this space have good light, and at what time of day, would it be too hot in the summer, was the double glazing foggy in any of the windows? The heaters are loud, I want to stay away from them, that one has plumbing pipes coming down into it, that space has a scary oil stain on the wood beamed ceiling. This kind of thing. Also, I have to think about access for customers. I liked the space across from the elevator, but there was a large buzzing light overhead. I scratched that unit off my list until the owner said he was disconnecting the light, then it was #1 again.
I submitted my three top choices but I have no idea where I stand on the list, so I anticipate the possibility that I may have to make 4th, 5th, and 6th choices. I find out Tuesday or Wednesday which unit I get, then I secure it with a check for one month's rent. After that, I jump up and down and wait for construction to be completed by June 1.

Meanwhile, I spent the Nor'easter yesterday making wet-felted beads, too cute!! I love my new wool colors...I worked on making the beads into earrings today. I'd like to figure out a good way to make them into bracelets and necklaces; it's all about what you string them on, how you end them and the clasps.