Friday, March 30, 2007

Gearing Up

I feel that soon everything will happen all at once. The wedding, moving into my studio, doing craft shows, etc. For now I am working on the invitation and learning new craft techniques. I learned to oxidize silver with a hard boiled egg! Here's a set of before, during and after pics to show what I mean:

The first shows the silver still bright, the second shows how the earrings look after sitting in a container with a crumbled, warm, hard-boiled egg for over an hour. The third pic is after I took some 0000 steel wool and lightly buffed the surface to bring up some highlights and create depth.

I know liver of sulphur is a liquid that does the same thing, it probably works faster and creates a darker patina, which would be nice, but I can't even imagine what that must smell like!! If I ever try it, I'll let you know.


  1. I'm going to try this, it sounds much less harmful as far as fumes go - and sulphur is sulphur - I think your results are beautiful.

    I just realized that you are getting married, congrats. How exciting, a new studio, a new marriage, so great.

    If you have a minute, check out my blog, I tried to the html link think, obviously don't have it worked out yet, but I'm working on it. Anywhay I mentioned you in my post the day before.

    All best,

    Sandra Eileen

  2. And contrats on the contribution to the email newsletter, I'm going to check that out.

    Sandra Eileen

  3. Thanks Sandra, it's fun getting my name out there in other people's blogs!

    But I am already married, we tied the knot in October of 2002, can't believe it's almost five years!

    I'll go look at your blog again!


  4. If you ever want to try some liver of sulphur, I have a container of the solid stuff.

  5. hi there! fellow etsy girl here too. i have a few hard boil eggs and earrings in my fridge as we speak! my kids say it's official...'mom's totally lost it!'...haha.

    just had to share!

  6. Too funny! Earrings and eggs, who knew? Thanks for posting :)
