I did the Worcester street festival, stART on the street on Sunday, September 16th. Liz from
Lush Beads had invited me to share her tent and I had so much fun! We had perfect weather, 60's and sunny. The show was well set up with lots of cool vendors. They seemed to get a great turnout and I had customers all day.
Liz at her table:

My display:

The crowd was varied in ages but almost all were savvy and modern, understanding the indie craft aesthetic. These were my peeps! I'm not quite edgy enough to lure in the girls with multiple piercings and tattoos, but I'm not so out there that I turn off moms with quilted handbags. Somewhere in the middle is my demographic and I made a lot of sales. Yay! My 3 beads for a dollar were very popular:

And I'm really pleased with the new tags I made for my flowers. I feel like people were more willing to pick them up and fondle them (in a good way) when they weren't on cards like I had them before:

There were bunches of Etsy sellers there, but I didn't get to check them all out because I was mostly at my table all day. I did take a quick spin to visit Peter and Eve who have a studio on the 4th floor in
Western Avenue Studios and were doing their first outdoor show. Peter makes the most amazing and delicate glass creatures as well as teardrop earrings, Eve does elegant things with fused glass, making coasters I covet. Her newest item is a wine bottle stopper. I hope they had a good day!
Peter and Eve:

I did needle felting demonstrations all day and completed the felt part of one flower and most of another.

And people visited me! Candace of
The Intuitive Garden came by with her husband, so nice to see friendly faces among the strangers. Pssst: Candace is currently the featured seller on
Etsy! Great choice Etsy admin! I hope she sells out :)
Another visitor was Marianne from Lowell whom I had never met but felt I had since I've been looking at her beautiful photos on
Flickr and following her
blog for so long. In fact I gave her an enthusiastic hug like she was an old friend. (I should probably find out if people are huggy before I do that, but I just got carried away!) She was very gracious and we all agreed it would be great if Lowell could put together a show like that.

It was an overwhelming and exhausting day, I missed spending Sunday with D, and I could barely move on Monday but it was worth all the work and now I'm fired up to make more stuff!
I've applied to get into my dream show:
Bazaar Bizarre on December 9th, it's juried and spaces are very limited so I have no idea what my chances are, I find out if I got in on September 28th. My alternative is to share a space with Liz again at the stART show on the same day in the Worcester DCU (the old Centrum). Either way I'll get one last show in before xmas!